Jade Alicandro Jade Alicandro

The Winter Herbal Medicine Cabinet

In thinking about herbs and preparations to have on hand during the winter months I find it helpful to think about classes of herbs by way of their herbal actions. Here are a few herbal actions to consider when picking herbs for your home winter apothecary and some of my favorite herbs to have on hand (but these lists are not at all exhaustive):

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Jade Alicandro Jade Alicandro

Grief Support Chai

Our grief is a portal, an opening, a passageway into honoring that which we love. Anyone who’s ever been grief-stricken can tell you that grief is an expression of love - the two are inseparable. Grief itself isn’t something to be cured or healed, it’s something to be in relationship with. And, still, sometimes it’s too much. The weight of it can bear down and become immobilizing, expressed as a state of deep nervous system activation, exhaustion, and chronic stress.

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Jade Alicandro Jade Alicandro

Spring Tree Medicine: Willow, Wild Cherry, Sweet Birch, Sugar Maple & Alder

Spring is one of the classic times to work with tree medicine, during the season when the sap is rising, the vascular cambium is active with sap and nutrients, and the trees are waking back up. Below I share some of my favorite trees to work with in the spring and my hope is that even if you don’t have all of these trees in your bioregion, you at least have a few.

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Jade Alicandro Jade Alicandro

Using Seasonal Flavors in Ferments for Health

Ferments are already medicinally active foods unto themselves and the additional medicinal herbs elevates them even further. I personally enjoy enhancing fermented vegetables with herbs and spices- kimchi, sauerkraut, and root vegetables in particular- choosing the blend based on what’s really in its prime and available in my garden, local farms, and woodlands and meadows.

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Jade Alicandro Jade Alicandro

The Root Harvest

It’s root season all! And in my humble opinion we need their grounding presence now more than ever. Prepping freshly harvested roots for processing, whether for medicine-making or drying, is time-consuming and hard work but totally worth it! As a teacher I’ve learned that knowing the best method for this can be a stumbling block for lots of beginner herbalists and can hold them back from harvesting so I wanted to share some of what I’ve learned over the years.

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Jade Alicandro Jade Alicandro

Nettle Stracciatella

This soup just might be my new favorite way to have Nettles! It’s so nourishing and soothing and incredibly easy to make! Stracciatella is a soup traditional to the Lazio region of central Italy and is essentially a version of egg drop soup, making it a perfect recipe for the spring when my chickens start laying again in earnest and the Nettles come back.

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Jade Alicandro Jade Alicandro

Spring 'Kraut

When spring finally comes here in the northeast it can sometimes feel like a race against time. After waiting months for the return of the green, the plants seemingly pop-up all at once, with wonderful exuberance, and at a pace that few of us can keep up with. Harvesting spring greens- if you let it- could easily be a full-time job!

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Jade Alicandro Jade Alicandro

Adaptogen Chai

Winter is a time for nourishment and replenishment and the holidays, fun though the revelry can be, can also sometimes leave us feeling tired and depleted during a season when rest should be paramount. Enter adaptogens!

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Jade Alicandro Jade Alicandro

Maitake & Burdock Immune-Boosting Soup

Lately, this soup has been saving my life! So much so that I just had to share the recipe. During seasonal transitions, especially our current one from late summer to fall (and the on-coming fall to winter), our immune systems need some extra support. And it seems like just about everyone I know is either navigating through or has already dealt with their first cold of the season, myself included!

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Jade Alicandro Jade Alicandro

Nettles & Chive Rice Pilaf

The Nettles are in their prime right now and I've been eating them as often as I can, harvesting to dry for winter nourishing infusions, and experimenting with recipes my kids will like. This recipe was a win so I thought I'd share it. Enjoy!

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Jade Alicandro Jade Alicandro

Nettles & Asparagus Kitchari

Kichari is a classic Indian stew of white rice, mung beans, ghee, and loads and loads of spices. It's food as medicine at it's finest. It supports all the eliminatory pathways in the body (often done as a cleanse in Ayurveda), boosts metabolic fire, and provides a re-set to your digestive system, especially if it's feeling sluggish and overwhelmed.

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Jade Alicandro Jade Alicandro

Harmonizing With the Spring

The spring is an exciting, transformative, and expansive time. The plants and the earth are waking-up. And, since our bodies are a little microcosm of this larger macrocosm, a little spring awakening is happening within us too! Can you feel it?

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Jade Alicandro Jade Alicandro

Roasted Dandelion Root-Pumpkin Spice Latte

Ok, so I know this post is a little whimsical….but I must admit that I am a huge fan of pumpkin spice, but having a sugar-y caffeinated drink is not always my cup of tea so to speak, so I invented my own!

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Jade Alicandro Jade Alicandro

Beach Rose-Seaweed Mermaid Bath Salts

Summer in New England is fleeting and beautiful and- for me- is not complete without numerous visits to the ocean. Maybe it’s because I’m a life-long New Englander, or because I grew-up going to the ocean every summer, or because I’m a water sign, or because the ocean never fails to put it all into perspective, and feel like a beyond nourishing and calming presence…but for me connecting with that ocean energy for just a few months a year never feels like enough!

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Jade Alicandro Jade Alicandro

Spring Greens Frittata

Spring is all about the greens. It's absolutely true that many nutrient-dense wild greens are available all throughout the growing season, but for me the spring is when they especially shine. After I've spent the winter relying heavily on our winter farm share that's rich in tubers and roots, I can't wait to get outside and connect with the spring earth and fill my harvest basket with some liver-loving, chlorophyll-rich greens!

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Jade Alicandro Jade Alicandro

Ways to Stay Healthy Through Seasonal Transitions

It's currently that weird in-between time when winter is turning to spring, and seasonal transitions are a time when we are especially vulnerable to colds and flus, as any of you who have had a dreaded spring cold can attest too! Here in New England, the weather famously goes back and forth much faster than our body's can keep-up with, and a week of warm weather in March can easily be follow-up by a blizzard.

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Jade Alicandro Jade Alicandro

Late Summer Dandelion Greens

The Dandelion Greens are back! Late Summer and Fall are kind of like a "second spring" here in the northeast.....and often all the wonderful plants that thrive in the spring make a comeback in the fall!

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Jade Alicandro Jade Alicandro

Maple Sap Medicine

As we head into maple syrup season, I just can’t resist giving a shout-out to my beloved maple sap! Read on to learn more about this beloved spring tonic…

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